Hi there,
I created this "Bowlin Bloom" with some scraps from the Boardwalk kit that Beth coordinated for August.
I call it a Bowlin Bloom as Jenni Bowlin herself showed me how to create the basics of these blooms a few years ago at a tradeshow. Talk about awe inspiring! Jenni is so sweet!
To create the base flower you need:
~ Three circles of paper. Can be whatever you desire, hand cut or punched, etc. About the same size would be great too!
~ Coordinating chalk ink(s)
~ A good strong quick drying liquid adhesive.
~ Stickles
~ Fibers of some fashion for the stamens. I used hemp.
~ Scissors
~ Edge Distress Tool
1- Distress the edges of the circles with Edge Distress Tool. Rough it up!
2- Snip circles on their radius. This would be from edge to center point. Think of a "Pac-Man" with his mouth closed! :)
3- Take each circle and pleat it along the center point. This will create a ruffled up jumble and sort of look like a fan. That's OK!
4- Pick out two and overlap cut ends to create a larger full circle. Glue in place and smoosh slightly.Chalk edges.
5- Using the third circle, over lap it's ends and adhere in place. Smoosh as necessary. Smooshing is fun! Chalk edges here too.
6- Glue smaller circle on the center of the larger circle.
7- Adhere desired fibers to the center flower with adhesive.
8- Cover adhesive in center of flower with Stickles.
9- Let dry and then enjoy!
10- :)
Hope that you have fun creating "Bowlin Blooms!"